Pearl River County Historical Society Museum
Do you Remember?
(Photo courtesy of PRCHS Museum – Picayune Item Photo
City Cash Feed Store was located on the west side of south
Harvey Street (Highway 11) in downtown Picayune. Based on the model of the
trucks and car in the photo can anyone identify the approximate year the photo
was taken?
Upcoming Events
The next meeting of the Pearl River County Historical
Society will be February 8, 2023. The speaker will be Bernie Cullen and
the presentation topic will be “History of the Waveland Ground Zero
Hurricane Museum.”
The meeting will be held in the Holland Room of Crosby Memorial Library, 900 Goodyear Blvd., Picayune, Mississippi 39466. Guests and history buffs are invited and encouraged to attend. Refreshments served at 11:30 a.m. with program beginning at 12 noon.